Monday, August 1, 2011


i felt so uncomfortable

                           i was with a large group of

         a group of people
                  i wouldn't socialize with outside of school

                           i didn't like it
                                    i didn't want to be there

         all i could think about
                           was being here

                           safe here between
                                    the pages of privacy

         paper has always welcomed me

                  i can be honest here

                           over the years,
                                    i've watched my tears smear this ink

         words; they expect nothing from me

                           they hold me
                                    like a child, and they cradle me

         between each curve of an 's'
                                    and each intersection of a 't'

                  i am safe here
                                    my words
                                             my pages

                           when i've been lost
                                    i've hung on here

                  and i've also found myself here
                                             in these words

                  my sadness disguised as periods

         my anger expressed in big letters
                  & sloppy penmanship

                  and my longing diagnosed as        
                                    constants and vowels

         my heart has bled open onto these pages
                           this ink still warm and sticky

                           i can feel my own pulse
                  when i put my finger over any one of these letters

         my words
                  my precious, precious words

you've given me the vocabulary
                           to say it

                           i'm home here
                                    like i've never been anywhere else

         throughout my life
                  its been the alphabet thats been my family

grammar thats been my parents

         adjectives; my sisters

verbs; my brothers

                  together we've built a home
                                    nestled between pages and bound with security

         not a home of wood
                           that can burn

                                    or a home of stone
                                             that time will erode

but together we've built an ethereal home
                           floating beyond time and space between infinity
         and the cycles of creation and decomposing

the binds of these books are our guardians

                           they protect our home from
         like a hammock
                  i can rest my soul between each 'u'

                              or nestle my body tight between the sheets
                                                                                 of every 'z'

                  my words, my letters
                                    its you i'll always love

                           and its here
                                    i'm always home